Saison! Home tastes from abroad

We’re a cottage industry – a real one – based at Sherwood Cottage near Bridport. Here in what used to be the garage but is now our mini-factory (fully approved and 4-Star rated by Environmental Health!) we keep vats of salts, sugar and pepper and row upon row of wonderful dried herbs, flowers, fruit and spices. With a view out over the garden (soon to be a mini orchard) we work very happily mixing our blends of salt, sugar and pepper and potting them up into our signature little tins.

This house has been home for my family since 1960 and sometimes when I’m at work I think about how as kids we used to collect herbs, seeds and flowers from this and the nextdoor garden and dry them in the sun. We’d put them into boxes or manilla envelopes, label them up and sell them to neighbours and family.

Now I’m using whatever expertise I’ve gained from travelling and eating, particularly in Europe and the Middle East, to develop a range of condiments with ingredients that enhance the flavour of home-cooked food and make the kitchen a happier and more colourful place to spend time in.

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